
Don't Fall Into Traps This Fall!!!!

Don't Fall Into Traps This Fall!!!!

 Falling to Fall May Mean Falling Into traps!!

               When at the dog park or whenever you are spending some quality time with “man’s best friend,” there is a very low chance that you will get stuck in a bear trap considering you most likely aren’t high tailing it through a trail in the Smokey Mountains. There is a chance however, of a few so-called traps that can cause you to have an issue this fall. With fall comes, rodent poison, poisonous plants and even cranky snakes. Below are some symptoms to look out for and what to do if caught in the predicament.

-Big ears and long tails...  Setting traps for rodents is popular now days, but for a very good reason. Most of us don’t like those furry little gray or brown mice or rats running around. When you have a rodent problem, you tend to get it taken care of with certain types of poison, which can be a fantastic way to get rid of whatever is pestering you and your lovely pets. However, this poison can be extremely fatal for you and your four-legged friend. If ingested, there can be vomiting with blood, breathing problems, weakness and even seizures in severe cases. There are a few cases where the poison is not as effective as others, but can still cause serious problems that will leave your wallet crying! Be careful where you set out that powder!

-Uh oh, just because it looks good doesn’t mean it taste good... Watch out for mushrooms and other poison plants that can cause liver, kidney and stomach problems! While mushrooms may taste good to us, when they are prepared properly, they aren’t so good for your pet. If a dog or cat ingests a mushroom, the following symptoms may occur: vomiting, diarrhea, yellow skin, and on serious occasions coma or even seizures. If your pet is showing these symptoms get them to your vet immediately. They won't be hallucinating, but it'll cause a scare.

-It's shaped like a “S” and it blends in... Weather change means sneaky snakes go into sleeping season, however during the fall they are still out and about and probably a little cranky that they haven’t quite gone into hibernation yet. Always be on the look-out for poisonous snakes in your backyard or at your local park. It can be very easy for your dog to stumble on one while digging through that colorful pile of leaves by a tree. If your pet is bitten by a snake, try your best to identify the snake as best you can without putting yourself in danger. On the off chance that the snake is poisonous, do not let your pet run around as this can cause the poisonous venom to travel faster through the blood stream. Seek your vet immediately for treatment. Your Veterinarian will be able to tell the amount of toxicity in your pet’s bloodstream by collecting blood and running a few tests. If you can’t get to a vet give a Benadryl to reduce the allergic reaction. The recommended dosage for Benadryl is 1 milligram per pound that your dog weighs, so if you have a 25 pound dog, you would give 25 milligrams.

While hopefully you’ll never have to use this information, if you can't get in contact with your local vet hospital DO NOT give up. Call Pet Poison Helpline!!!!! 800.213.6680 is the number to call, or you can find more information on the website www.petpoisonhelpline.comÂ